Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Essay --

As a mother of a huge family on an extremely restricted spending I have scrutinized the decisions I make in buying staple goods commonly. I need my family to have a sound eating routine, yet costs will in general be an issue each time I go shopping for food. I wonder: What is the connection among wages and solid eating regimens? There are numerous different inquiries that should be investigated before we can really respond to the current inquiry. A portion of those inquiries include: How would we characterize a sound eating routine? Other than spending plan, what different components impact buying decisions? In what ways are sure nourishments more beneficial than others? Likewise, are more advantageous nourishments in every case progressively costly and, provided that this is true, for what reason would they say they are increasingly costly? I as of late visited the Mount Vernon WIC office. WIC represents Women, Infants and kids, and is an administration program that gives supplemental nourishments, human services referrals, and sustenance instruction for low-pay pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding baby blues ladies, and to newborn children and youngsters up to age five who are seen as at wholesome hazard. I met their sustenance expert, Carolyn, who furnished me with some delectable, reasonable food decisions that children like, and that are high in nutrients and supplements. A portion of the thoughts she gave me were; rather than nutty spread and jam sandwiches, give youngsters celery and peanut spread, however cut up the celery and put the peanut spread in a different compartment so the kid can â€Å"dip† their food. This is a minimal effort, high protein tidbit or light lunch that children will have some good times eating; and rather than a prepared vegetable with supper, cut up some new broccoli, ca rrots and cauliflower (or other new vegetables) and serve them with a low-fat dressing as a plunge for a hors d'oeuvre before supper. This aides in get... ...s and having new vegetables as a hors d'oeuvre. Low-salary families are in reality off guard with regards to eating well nourishments, however this is for the most part from absence of instruction and not really as a result of expenses. Will low-pay purchasers reasonably stand to purchase every single natural food and get by month to month? The response to this is most likely not, yet what they can do is settle on wellbeing cognizant decisions when shopping. I accept that the connection among pay and sound weight control plans is whatever we make it. We as a whole need to recall that what probably won't appear to be beneficial to one individual, may be the more advantageous decision for another. All that really matters is that eating well beginnings by simply eating more beneficial, and changing an unfortunate propensity requires some serious energy and tolerance. Ideally all nourishments would be similarly accessible to everybody except the world’s not great nor are individuals.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Growing Up on Fast Food Essay

Most Americans have eaten at a drive-in eatery, coffee shop as well as drive-through eatery in their lives. Clients visit these foundations for its benefit and reasonableness. Some portion of the cheap food bait is to fulfill the body; another part is a family plunking down and partaking in a supper together. Numerous individuals, thinking back to the 1950s and 1960s didn't comprehend sanitation and its perils. Food was prepared in spread or fat rather than Trans oils, vegetable oil or margarine that are utilized today. Nourishments in the past were stacked with fat and cholesterol, which made shoppers early possibility for cardiovascular illnesses, stroke and other medical problems. Food may have tasted delightful, yet that accompanied an overwhelming cost. Customers of today are increasingly taught concerning the dangers and awards of eating out and how food is readied. They despite everything face comparable snags as their folks and grandparents did ages back. How is the food made? What fixings are utilized in making the chosen dish? Is where the food is developed/prepared/made trustworthy? Any of the previously mentioned questions that are replied in the negative ought to be cause for concern.  Recent models in the U.S. incorporate the nut review. All things considered, the item was spoiled at the assembling plant. The things were put out for mass utilization, and that choice lead to numerous individuals becoming ill and others kicking the bucket. The Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) deliberately reviewed peanuts that were made in either Georgia or Texas for dread that customers would be presented to Salmonella harming. (FDA, p.1) In spite of the fact that the episode didn't influence containers or nutty spread generally found in grocery stores, the spoiled gracefully went to organizations and different foundations. (MSNBC, Inexpensive Food 2 p.1) This implied eateries could have gotten the defiled nutty spread. Where hundred of individuals were harmed and about six individuals passed on from Salmonella harming, this could have been considerably progressively sad notwithstanding the review. (1) The news gets significant since numerous eateries offer nut and jam sandwiches on their children menu. It is a solace nourishment for some peopleâ€for the youthful and youthful on a fundamental level. (Ghost Gourmet, 2009) Having that choice removed would have been intense for café proprietors who might have expelled that thing off its menu and the benefactors who might have requested the sandwich. (Ghost Gourmet, 2009) This is the place the inexpensive food industry can either be a companion or adversary. They offer numerous decisions for breakfast, lunch and supper. Things run from bacon and eggs toward the beginning of the day to prime rib at night. Numerous spots like cafes are open 24 hours, so individuals can get what they are desiring whenever. Having the option to arrange what clients need when they need allures individuals to eat out. Another explanation individuals go out to eat is the restaurant’s air. Absolutely an inexpensive food office, for example, McDonald’s will have an unexpected theme in comparison to a burger joint, which will have a more particular feeling than a mother and-pop café. The â€Å"Golden Arches† commonly serves burgers, quick sandwiches with French fries and soda pops. Children are typically observed playing in an assigned zone. Not a spot for individuals without kids who need to plunk down to a calm supper. The issue comes as a significant part of the food is either greasy in any case or accompanies fixings that are additionally high in fat, calories and different things that can extend a waistline or solidify a supply route. Inexpensive food organizations are adjusting to the manner in which Americans eat by offering plates of mixed greens, parfaits and other more beneficial decisions. McDonald’s has burned through billions of dollars in promoting these menu changes (McDonald’s Corporate, p.1) Inexpensive Food 3 Coffee shops have been around this nation for a considerable length of time. A great many people have one either in or close to their town. These foundations offer great food and sensible costs. That is frequently not the essential explanation benefactors run to the cafe, in any case. The café set up is the principle fascination. A few spots have rally evenings including vintage vehicles and cruisers from the 1950s and 1960s. Different spots house 50s-period memorabilia with photographs of Singer/Actor Elvis Presley, Actress Marilyn Monroe, Actor James Dean and commercials for Coke items that were modest back then. Have a go at getting a jug of coke for a nickel todayâ€it won't occur due to the expense of making the thing and most organizations utilize plastic rather than glass. There is to a lesser extent a danger associated with plastic and it is less expensive to deliver. At that point there is the cutting edge comfort of take-out or pass through. Having the option to bring home a sack from a cheap food place is surely helpful and one doesn't mean emptying the group of the vehicle. A menu is set up outside where individuals can provide their requests, drive up to the window, pay the server, get their food and drive off to their next goal. Sounds simple in that the food despite everything comes out quick (and effectively, one expectations), yet what the experience needs is individuals getting a charge out of the food. Of course, the family sits in the vehicle eating their cheeseburgers and French fries, yet at the expense of getting the vehicle filthy, tossing out the trash later and being confined in a vehicle seat without the advantages of extending or utilizing the bathroom if necessary. That kind of accommodation might be a lot for certain individuals. There is no off-base response to how individuals eat. Time, the request itself, and different conditions direct if and when an individual of family sits inside the café, takes it out, or passes through. The primary concern for the eateries is ensuring the food is appropriately served to its clients so they return. Cheap Food 4 This paper likewise would like to expose the legends encompassing inexpensive food, how individuals who grew up eating at such places have adjusted with the occasions, and how the café business has endeavored to illuminate its clients about the decisions they have. Notorious cafés, for example, McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken (A.K.A. KFC) had a recipe for empowering bring guests back. Offer clients great food at sensible costs and they may return again and bring companions. The two establishments have been going solid for over five decades in light of the fact that their way of thinking has not changed much during that time. Sound Does Not Bad Tasting One issue inexpensive food organizations needed to address is the nature of the fixings used to make their trademark dishes.â Is the meat for the burgers made at McDonald’s or Burger King the best quality they can discover? Are the chickens raised for use at Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) took care of a strong eating routine of supplements? Those inquiries and answers matter to a point. Everybody will exhibit the greatness of their items to show they care about their clients. In the event that they fall flat, at that point activities, for example, reviews (for peanuts as recently referenced) occur. This puts the business under negative light and those working inside the business must work harder to recover the customer’s trust. Cafés that didn't experience any difficulty with the reviewed item will be tested to make their items better or fall behind in the commercial center. McDonald’s has been proactive in the course of recent decades in teaching purchasers about their nourishments and administration (McDonald’s, p.1). They started printing up nourishment data for their clients to peruse on the off chance that they wish. They probably won't care for the reality a â€Å"Big Mac† sandwich has 50 percent of the suggested day by day recompense (RDA) of soaked fat. (1) Inexpensive Food 5 Or on the other hand, a â€Å"McRib† sandwich has 48 percent of the RDA of immersed fat. (1) Clearly, these are not decisions for individuals looking to either shed pounds or remain truly fit. Their healthful data might be found either by getting to the organization site at or halting in any of their eateries and getting a handout. Eating at McDonald’sâ€or any inexpensive food placeâ€for a drawn out timeframe can have inconvenient outcomes. Morgan Spurlock composed and coordinated a 2004 film about the inexpensive food industry, â€Å"Supersize Me!† The plot was basic: Spurlock would eat only the substance of the McDonald’s menu for 30 continuous days. He needed to arrange everything off the menu in any event once and needed to supersize his request whenever inquired. He would likewise forgo practicing during the one-month time frame. (Spurlock, p.1) His point was to exhibit the perilous impacts of eating out at drive-through joints. Watching the film causes individuals to wince as he puts on a lot of weight, lose vitality in needing to do any genuine exercises. Due to his McDonald’s diet and his absence of activity, Spurlock not just increased an incredible 24â ½ pounds in 30 days, expended a pound of sugar a day all things considered and his cholesterol rose an inconceivable 65 focuses from when this investigation began. (Spurlock Quotes, p.1) Other than the conspicuous physical sicknesses that came to pass for Spurlock during his thirty days, there were likewise the mental viewpoints. He said during the film: â€Å"I almost multiplied my danger of coronary illness, making myself twice as liable to have cardiovascular breakdown. I felt discouraged and depleted more often than not, my state of mind swung in a very small space and my sexual coexistence was non existent. I longed for this food increasingly more when I ate it, and got huge migraines when I didn’t. In my last The film was selected for an Academy Award had an incredible response from moviegoers. In spite of the fact that McDonald’s authorities denied the moved at that point, they rejected the supersize choice a little while after the film was discharged. (Wikipedia, p.1) They additionally offered its clients more beneficial options, for example, plates of mixed greens. Spurlock said those decisions contained more sugar than a pack of treats. (1) Spurlock achieved what he set out to do: discover the reasons for overweight individuals in the US and the more concerning issue of stoutness in this nation. McDonald’s and the remainder of the cheap food industr

Friday, August 21, 2020

William Faulkner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

William Faulkner - Essay Example Faulkner was a multitalented individual even at a youthful age; he was dynamic in sports as he played for his secondary school football crew. His inclinations in writing were delineated during his initial years. After arriving at pubescence, this famous writer began composing sonnets. Notwithstanding, after his adolescents, Faulkner started loosing enthusiasm for formal examinations and in the end chose to stop school. A couple of years after the fact, Faulkner was to meet one of the most motivating abstract specialists in the course of his life; Phil Stone. Also, Faulkner met the adoration for his life in those early years; she was known as Estelle Oldham. The later referenced young lady had a sentimental relationship with Faulkner however never dedicated her life to him since she was pledged to another person. Stone-his abstract coach had seen a portion of Faulkner's previous beautiful works and understood that he could make it in the realm of writing. Faulkner's first occupation was an in New Haven where he worked quickly in an Arms Company. From there on, he took a stab at joining the Army however his physical appearance didn't permit him to advance. A short time later, he joined the Canadian Royal Air power. His life in the Air power didn't keep going since a long time ago the universal war finished only not long after he had gone along with them. So as to monitor his encounters, Faulkner chose to buy some Air power honors. This involvement with the Army was one of the most compelling perspectives in his scholarly works. One of his books; Soldier's compensation: which was distributed in '26 demonstrated a portion of his anecdotal encounters in the war. In the year 19919, Faulkner got an opportunity to join a college. He had the option to achieve this even notwithstanding the way that he had dropped out of secondary schools. This future creator was extremely dynamic in his college framing clubs and other comparative affiliations. (Amazon, 2006) Notwithstanding, Faulkner never finished his investigations. Rather he settled on unspecialized temp jobs. He filled in as a postmaster, book shop aide and even as a Scoutmaster. Every one of these employments didn't suite his friendly character and he had to leave or very. Scholarly works In the mid twenties, Faulkner started by thinking of certain articles that framed piece of the New Orleans assortment. He at that point left on his first abstract novel called Soldier's compensation. In the wake of finishing this novel, it was distributed by Live right. From there on, Faulkner chose to move to Italy and afterward Paris. These filled in as extraordinary impacts in is second novel; Sanctuary. The subsequent novel was distributed in the year 1926 and was entitled Mosquitoes. It essentially discussed a portion of the prior impacts in the military however this book was not probably the best creation. Disappointments in the last novel brought about enhancements in his next bits of work. He was encouraged to remain consistent with his foundations and this is actually what he did in his resulting works. Faulkner understood that he could make more prominent impacts on the off chance that they delineated local parts of his locale. This third production appeared to be exception ally intriguing to Faulkner yet not to his distributers. His first distributer declined to wok with him thus did numerous different distributers. After a wild eyed quest for a distributer, Faulkner at long last got a willing one in the year 1926. Be that as it may, the novel was just discharged after over the top altering and changes made to his title.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Writing-Essay Topics

Writing-Essay TopicsWriting essay topics is one of the most important things that you can do to help you with your college essays. It is also one of the easiest ways to research your topic and to keep the essay fresh for that one test.The most common mistake that people make when writing essay topics is to use too many keywords and make the essay too long. It is important to choose the proper keywords so that you are not tempted to write too much. There are too many 'hot' keywords so you should avoid overusing them.However, you may want to combine different keywords or incorporate a few basic ideas in your topic, but use the proper keywords in order to help you with your research. You will find that this method is easier than using several keywords, but it can help you with your essay.If you are writing an essay about the history of a country, you will want to choose several different keywords for the various historical events that occurred during that country's history. There are al so some words and phrases that are extremely popular and people will want to use them in their topic.When writing essay topics, it is important to keep in mind that you will be helping yourself with the course. By using your topic to write about, you will have a lot of other essays to help you with the topics and will be able to help more students on their own if you have the time to spend.Many students find that it is not necessary to use as many keywords as you would like when writing long essay topics. In fact, they sometimes even write the essay without using any keywords at all. That way, they are going to save a lot of time and have the essay written by hand.When you are choosing your essay topic, remember that it should be the right topic for you. It should be relevant to your field of study and if you are able to select something that you like and know what you are talking about, then you will be able to write the essay. This is not difficult to do, but there are some tips t hat you can follow so that you will get the best essay for your topic.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Casting and Data Type Conversions in VB.NET

Casting is the process of converting one data type to another, for example, from an Integer type to a String type. Some operations in VB.NET require specific data types to work. Casting creates the type you need. The first article in this two-part series, Casting and Data Type Conversions in VB.NET, introduces casting. This article describes the three operators you can use to cast in VB.NET - DirectCast, CType and TryCast - and compares their performance. Performance is one of the big differences between the three casting operators according to Microsoft and other articles. For example, Microsoft is usually careful to warn that, DirectCast ... can provide somewhat better performance than CType when converting to and from data type Object. (Emphasis added.) I decided to write some code to check. But first a word of caution. Dan Appleman, one of the founders of the technical book publisher Apress and a reliable technical guru, once told me that benchmarking performance is much harder to do correctly than most people realize. There are factors like machine performance, other processes that might be running in parallel, optimization like memory caching or compiler optimization, and errors in your assumptions about what the code is actually doing. In these benchmarks, I have tried to eliminate apples and oranges comparison errors and all tests have been run with the release build. But there still might be errors in these results. If you notice any, please let me know. The three casting operators are: DirectCastCTypeTryCast In practical fact, you will usually find that the requirements of your application will determine which operator you use. DirectCast and TryCast have very narrow requirements. When you use DirectCast, the type must already be known. Although the code ... theString DirectCast(theObject, String) ... will compile successfully if theObject isnt a string already, then the code will throw a runtime exception. TryCast is even more restrictive because it wont work at all on value types such as Integer. (String is a reference type. For more on value types and reference types, see the first article in this series.) This code ... theInteger TryCast(theObject, Integer) ... wont even compile. TryCast is useful when youre not sure what type of object youre working with. Rather than throwing an error like DirectCast, TryCast just returns Nothing. The normal practice is to test for Nothing after executing TryCast. Only CType (and the other Convert operators like CInt and CBool) will convert types that dont have an inheritance relationship such as an Integer to a String: Dim theString As String 1 Dim theInteger As Integer theInteger CType(theString, Integer) This works because CType uses helper functions that arent part of the .NET CLR (Common Language Runtime) to perform these conversions. But remember that CType will also throw an exception if theString doesnt contain something that can be converted to an Integer. If theres a possibility that the string isnt an integer like this ... Dim theString As String George ... then no casting operator will work. Even TryCast wont work with Integer because its a value type. In a case like this, you would have to use validity checking, such as the TypeOf operator, to check your data before trying to cast it. Microsofts documentation for DirectCast specifically mentions casting with an Object type so thats what I used in my first performance test. Testing begins on the next page! DirectCast will usually use an Object type, so thats what I used in my first performance test. To include TryCast in the test, I also included an If block since nearly all programs that use TryCast will have one. In this case, however, it will never be executed. Heres the code that compares all three when casting an Object to a String: Dim theTime As New Stopwatch() Dim theString As String Dim theObject As Object An Object Dim theIterations As Integer CInt(Iterations.Text) * 1000000 DirectCast Test theTime.Start() For i 0 To theIterations theString DirectCast(theObject, String) Next theTime.Stop() DirectCastTime.Text theTime.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString CType Test theTime.Restart() For i As Integer 0 To theIterations theString CType(theObject, String) Next theTime.Stop() CTypeTime.Text theTime.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString TryCast Test theTime.Restart() For i As Integer 0 To theIterations theString TryCast(theObject, String) If theString Is Nothing Then MsgBox(This should never display) End If Next theTime.Stop() TryCastTime.Text theTime.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString This initial test seems to show that Microsoft is right on target. Heres the result. (Experiments with larger and smaller numbers of iterations as well as repeated tests under different conditions didnt show any significant differences from this result.) --------Click Here to display the illustration-------- DirectCast and TryCast were similar at 323 and 356 milliseconds, but CType took over three times as much time at 1018 milliseconds. When casting reference types like this, you pay for the flexibility of CType in performance. But does it always work this way? The Microsoft example in their page for DirectCast is mainly useful for telling you what wont work using DirectCast, not what will. Heres the Microsoft example: Dim q As Object 2.37 Dim i As Integer CType(q, Integer) The following conversion fails at run time Dim j As Integer DirectCast(q, Integer) Dim f As New System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim c As System.Windows.Forms.Control The following conversion succeeds. c DirectCast(f, System.Windows.Forms.Control) In other words, you cant use DirectCast (or TryCast, although they dont mention it here) to cast an Object type to an Integer type, but you can use DirectCast to cast a Form type to a Control type. Lets check the performance of Microsofts example of what will work with DirectCast. Using the same code template shown above, substitute ... c DirectCast(f, System.Windows.Forms.Control) ... into the code along with similar substitutions for CType and TryCast. The results are a little surprising. --------Click Here to display the illustration-------- DirectCast was actually the slowest of the three choices at 145 milliseconds. CType is just a little quicker at 127 milliseconds but TryCast, including an If block, is the quickest at 77 milliseconds. I also tried writing my own objects: Class ParentClass ... End Class Class ChildClass Inherits ParentClass ... End Class I got similar results. It appears that if youre not casting an Object type, youre better off not using DirectCast.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Eating Disorders Among Teens And Adolescents - 1566 Words

Eating Disorders in Teens In this generation teenagers fight the everyday struggle of wanting to be perfect. Perfection sells in modern society, with perfection being plastered everywhere, people feel the pressure of having to change their appearance. When looking at television and movies women and men see the ideal model of what the world believes they should look like. This long term process of seeing what you are expected to look like can cause emotional and physical problems such as eating disorders. When looking at such a large amount of people that have to cope with either Anorexia or Bulimia, about forty percent of the females with Anorexia are between the ages of fifteen and nineteen years old (Eating Disorders Statistics). About another forty-two percent of girls that are in the first and third grade are wanting to be thinner (Eating Disorders Statistics). Teenagers living with eating disorders experience many life-altering emotional, mental and physical changes. A patient with anorexia nervosa, or shortened as â€Å"anorexia†, has a distorted body image and an exaggerated fear of becoming overweight or obese, so a deliberate effort is made to lose weight (Nordqvist) .When looking at the physical appearance of people dealing with anorexia you will see someone who is underweight and unhealthy. Some individuals will also try to lose more weight because of their psychological state of mind. Those with this disorder or disease have increased sensitivity to gainingShow MoreRelatedMedia Eating Disorders1607 Words   |  7 Pagesreview is to describe the main causes of eating disorders among teenagers aged 12 to 18 years old in high schools globally, and to also explain to what extend do some of these causes influence eating disoders. Recent studies have indicated a major increase in the eating disorder habits and body dissatisfaction in adolescence over the past few decades. This crisis seems most prevalent in females`` than males with 20 p ercent high school females exhibiting poor eating habits and about 60 percent undergoneRead MoreWhy Do Teens Suffer From Eating Disorders1596 Words   |  7 Pages010 October 20, 2015 Why Do Teens Suffer from Eating Disorders: Annotated Bib It is no new discovery that teenagers in America tend to have a conflict with eating disorders. This problematic issue tend to affect many young teens just as the people that surround them, those who care for them. People might stop to think why teens struggle so much with eating disorders or how can this issue be wiped out. The thing is people need to be well aware of eating disorders and there definition and try toRead MoreThe Effects of the Media on Todays Youth1204 Words   |  5 Pagesis having a profound effect on society, especially its youth. When it comes to people’s behavior in society, adolescents usually look to the media for guidance. Teens today today are reliant on the media to tell them what is acceptable and what is not. It tells them how to look, how to act, even what to say. Social media definitely has an impact on the daily life of a teen. Most teens have some way to connect with friends using a social networking site. Young adults, much like the ci tizens ofRead MoreEating Disorders Are Serious Conditions Involving Extremely Unhealthy Dietary Habits1046 Words   |  5 PagesJanuary 9, 2015 Eating Disorders in Adolescents Eating disorders are serious conditions involving extremely unhealthy dietary habits. The two most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. In the past few decades, eating disorders have become more and more prevalent in western countries. A lot of people suffered from the diseases, for example, famous Princess Diana has struggled with bulimia for many years. It should be kept in mind that eating disorders occur not only inRead MoreWeight Obsession Affects Millions Of Teenagers Today1179 Words   |  5 Pagesone out of every seven women has or is struggling with an eating disorder. One study a few years ago found that 36% of adolescent girls believed they were overweight while 59% were trying to lose weight (Eating Disorders in Teens, n.d.). Up to 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder) in the United States. Ninety-five percent of those who have eating disorders are between the a ges of 12 and 25 (ANAD, 2015). InfluencedRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa And Its Effects On Society1514 Words   |  7 Pagesfrom Anorexia. Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder in which people suffering drastically restrict food intake due to an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted body image. There has been an unfortunate increase in people suffering from Anorexia Nervosa over the past several decades. Anorexia can be caused by a combination of social, interpersonal, and psychological factors that must be resolved through treatment. Anorexia is an extremely dangerous disorder that results in death for many peopleRead MoreBody Image And Self Esteem Among Adolescents1685 Words   |  7 PagesBody Image and Self-Esteem among Adolescents The topic of body image is an issue that we see amongst many adolescents all around the world. This huge issue can be dealt by adults but the main victim of body imaging are adolescents. Everywhere, anyone goes, there is example of what society considers â€Å"beautiful.† Even if someone is not completely studying it, their subconscious is still registering all of the images and words to what society thinks is a perfect body. Everyday there are people thatRead MoreEating Disorders Destroy Lives Essay777 Words   |  4 PagesTitle Eating Disorder – a combination of 14 letters that has the power to rock the life of the person who has it. Some of the most common eating conditions are anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder. According to the LA Times, â€Å"In 2009 the government published data that showed that kids under 12 were the fastest-growing population of patients hospitalized for eating disorders.† Not only are eating disorders becoming more popular and not in a positive way, but also the teens who have themRead MoreKnopf Continued Writing Concerning Suicide In Regards To1172 Words   |  5 Pagessuicide in regards to adolescents in an article entitled â€Å"How Self-Injury can lead to Suicidality in Teens: Under Study.† Her article focused on the relationship between self-injury and suicide. She stated, â€Å"While NSSI [nonsuicidal self-injury] and suicide are distinct behaviors, they frequently co-occur, so it’s important to look at factors that might contribute to the transition from NSSI to suicide.† The studies that she focused on were with non-ideators, that is, adolescents with no current suicideRead MoreEssay On Obesity In Girls1228 Words   |  5 PagesEating Disorders and Obesity in Girls During childhood, children are exposed to messages from the media that cause them to acquire beliefs about body standards and lay a foundation for future food and body-image issues. Disordered eating attitudes and behaviors are especially common in adolescent and teen girls in Western countries. The prevalence of these disorders is rising and the age of onset is falling. An increase in body awareness takes place during adolescence because that’s the time when

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Choices Values And Frames Article Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Choices Values And Frames Article. Answer: Abstract for Choices, values, and frames The article Choices, values, and frames by Kahneman and Tversky (1984) discusses on the perspectives of the psychophysical determinants of the choice in the contexts of the uncertainties. The major aspects of the change in the organizational structure are based on the understanding of decision values that are created through the understanding of the situations that are faced by the organization. The choices that are made by the people in the organization are based on their psychophysical abilities of determining the uncertainties that are associated with the change in the systems and the functioning of the organization. The understanding of the sure or the improbable events helped in determining the change in the structure of the organization in the market. The determination of stress and the manner in which it can be mitigated is based on the understanding of the determinants of the psychophysical attributes. It has helped in bringing in the change in the personal behavior of the people, which is aimed at understanding the different aspects of the change in the structure and the functioning of the business in the market. The induction of the sure things is based on the understanding of the different factors and the circumstances that are faced by the organization while undertaking the change. On the other hand, the different perceptions through which a problem can be resolved has helped in the understanding the importance of teamwork to achieve the common objective of the organization. The cognitive abilities of the personnel and the different strategies that are undertaken by the same helps in determining the change in the structure and the functioning of the business in the market. The differences between the decision values and the experience values help in determining the major elements of the change that is planned by the organization. It helps in facilitating the proper decision-making and the judgment that is planned by the organization in the market. Examples of its relation with the work experience The proper understanding of the situation is based on the risk assessment and themanagement of the same in the functioning as per the job role. The different attributes help by the job role is based on the responsibilities of the same while determining the change in the situations of the organization in the market. The job role that is being considered in this scenario is that of the engineer who makes all amendments to seek out the defects in the planning and the development process of software. It helps ion determining the risks that the project might face while undertaking the change. While undertaking the operation of the development of the software the engineer has taken steps to determine the risks that are related to the functioning of the systems as per the requirements of the product. Abstract for Human error The book Human Error by Reason (1990) has facilitated the understanding of the different errors that are experienced through the inefficient functioning of the humans in the organizations. The major aspects of the change in the structure and the functioning of the business are characterized by the different factors of the errors and the manner in which it results to the different uncertainties. The determination of the different errors that might be faced while undertaking the change and the manner in which the change can be facilitated in order to avoid the errors is the basis of the book by Reason (1990). The study of the stereotypes of the human behaviors helps the organization and the people to determine the different aspects of the change in the structure and the functioning. The book examines the nature and the types of errors that are committed by the humans. It will be helping the reader in understanding the different prospects that affects the functioning of the organization in the market. The major aspects of the change are based on the understanding of the different aspects of the change in the structure and the functioning of the organization in the market. The determination of the human centric errors helps in avoiding the different situations based on the situations. The book also enumerates the manner in which the determination of the errors is characterized by the understanding of the motif and the consequences of the error. The major aspects of the change are based on the identification of the potential loopholes that affects the functioning of the organization in the market. The major aspects of the change in the structure and the functioning of the organization are based on the understanding of the errors that are committed by the workforce while making the functions. Examples of its relation with the work experience The example of such an undertaking can be cited from an industry where I have worked. The organization has failed to understand the uncertainties while implementing the change on a new range of products based on the demand of the market. The company failed to analyze the proper positioning of the product, which affected the functioning of the organization in the market. In order to understand the different aspects of the change in the market the company should have taken a detailed review of the processes, which was not undertaken by the organization which affected the functioning of the organization in the market. On the other hand, it affected the moral of the employees that resulted to a loss of productivity in the business. The human centric team bonding and the goal oriented functioning seemed to lag and that resulted to the malfunction of the systems that are undertaken by the organization as per the needs of the customers in the market. Abstract for Image theory: Personal and organizational decisions The article Image theory: Personal and organizational decisions by Beach (1993) has helped in the understanding of the different decision making models that are being used by the organization in order to determine the sustenance of the image of the organization. The smooth functioning of the organization helps the same in determining the image of the same in the market. Therefore, the proper understanding of the functioning methodology helps in determining the image of the organization in the market. on the other hand the proper functioning of the organization is based on the effectiveness of the decision that are taken by the same. It helps the organization in making its progress in the highly competitive market. The major aspects of the change in the systems and the functioning of the business help in determining the progress of the organization. The collaboration that is being undertaken by the employees with themanagements of the organization helps in determining the progress of the organization therefore, the decisions must be favorable for the employees to being in the change in the structure and the functioning of the business. Therefore, the author of the article stated that the proper functioning of the organization helps in maintaining the image of the same in the market. Examples of its relation with the work experience A practical example that can be cited from my life is based on the organization where I work as an engineer. The organization undertook different decisions for the smooth functioning of the processes in the market. On the other hand, it has also facilitated the concerns for the employees growth in their respective careers. It has helped the organization in maintaining the balance in the employee andmanagement relations, which has helped the same in bringing in improvements in the systems and the situation of the same in the market. the major changes that are undertaken by the organization is based on the improvements in the system and the functioning of the organization which is based on the comparative growth of the employees through the delivery of the ranks based on their expertise and the enhanced pay scale. It has helped the organization to grow in the markets. Abstract for Society in the making: the study of technology as a tool for sociological analysis The technological advancements have helped in the development of the industrial sectors and the society at large. The understanding of the change in the society is facilitated through the functioning of the organization in the markets. The technology has helped a lot in constructing the value and reconstructing the same based on the change in the preference and the demand of the customers in the market. It has helped in determining the change in the structure and the functioning of the businesses in the market. The article Society in the making: the study of technology as a tool for sociological analysis by Callon (1987) has helped in the understanding of the different aspects of the change that is brought about in the society and the firms through the implementation of the technological aspects of the change in the market. The different aspects of employability and the decision making of the organizations has helped ion determining the societal change. the different themes of the ch ange is being discussed as a part of the article which provides a clear image of the innovation and the technological advancement that is undertaken by the organization. Therefore, the article provides a clear image of the implication of the change in the structure and the functioning of the society through the determination of the different aspects of the technological innovations. Examples of its relation with the work experience The example of such a reconstruction can be cited from my industry where the technological support has helped the organization to grow in both perspectives- internally and externally. It has helped the organization to undertake more recruitment, which has enhanced the functioning of the organization and thereby brought about progress of the same in the market. On the other hand, the recruitments that were undertaken by the company has helped in determining the up gradation of the lifestyle of the people living in the region. it has certainly brought about a positive change in the society through the technological advancements and the recruitments that it created through its growth and smooth functioning. References Beach, L.R., 1993. Image theory: Personal and organizational decisions.Decision making in action: Models and methods, pp.148-157. Callon, M., 1987. Society in the making: the study of technology as a tool for sociological analysis.The social construction of technological systems: New directions in the sociology and history of technology, pp.83-103. Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A. (1984), Choices, values, and frames, American Psychologist, 39(4). Reason, J., 1990.Human error. Cambridge university press.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Rapid Growth as a Destabilizing Force to Effective Democracy

Introduction The developmental undertakings within a nation that undergoes nontrivial transitions in democracy are directly analyzed. In countries where democracy dominates are established to develop rapidly compared to a priori identical nations, while in countries where democracy is not much practiced economic progress is comparably less.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rapid Growth as a Destabilizing Force to Effective Democracy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These variations do not appear to be due to distinctions in investment and education levels. The purpose of this paper is to establish the connection between democracy and economic development. Democracy and Economic Development Whether educated or trained in terms of modernization point of view or the chronological stand point, theories explicating the cradle of democracy possess deterministic characteristics. Contained in the theory of modernity no st imulates or causes democracy, but instead it is generated by economic advances and the consequent changes in the society. According to Moore in his theory, chronicle can be altered by social strata actors; nevertheless, they maneuver at a distance of generations with the agrarian social stratification structure of the 17th century determining the forms of government embraced in varied countries with reference to two or three centuries later (Mayer, Patterson Thames, p. 299, para 3). Author’s View With reference to Przeworski outline of phenomenological observations, this deterministic stress resulted to a view of all methodologies being extraneous whenever an issue regarding democratization was presented in political forums during the 1970s period. The heroes in the democratic battles did not and could not be persuaded that the destiny of their nations would based either on the contemporary levels of progress and advancement or by the far-away past events.Advertising Lo oking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They held that, even though within confinements, democratization was a repercussion of actions, and not just states. Thus, some initiatives were taught based on actors and plans instead of being enlightened in terms of deterministic situations (Mayer, Patterson Thames, p. 302, para 2). This paper’s makes inferences that profoundly justify the later perspective. The surfacing of egalitarianism is not a derivative of growth in the economic sphere. Democratic system is or is not founded by political figures undertaking their ends, and it may be instigated at any developmental point. It is after establishment that economic problems becomes active and can be held responsible, hence the probability of democratic system to survive is higher when the country’s economic development is at a reputable position. Hitherto even the most recent country’s wealth status is not crucial: egalitarianism is by far likely to endure in an economy that is progressive with below $1,000 revenue per capita compared to where revenue ranges between $1,000 and $2,000 that diminishes in economic terms. If these two nations or countries make it in secreting progress, it is very possible for democracies even in the poorest countries to endure recession (Mayer, Patterson Thames, p. 305, para 8). Personal Opinion Basing the argument from this stand point, the idea of the link between progress and egalitarianism that subjugated the intellectual attitude and served to familiarize U.S abroad measures during cold war seems in a bizarre manner complicated. Even though Lip set viewed economic development as an exogenous variable, his colleagues were convinced that authoritarianism is the unavoidable cost that brought by development. Galenson asserts that the self-governed a regime is, the higher the degree of resources dissemination from savings to the expe nditure.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rapid Growth as a Destabilizing Force to Effective Democracy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to arguments posited by De Schweinitz, if the underdeveloped nations are to economically develop, restriction of their democratic contribution in political issues becomes mandatory. Accordingly, for development to be realized, despotism plays a fundamental role (Mayer, Patterson Thames, p. 304, para 5). Conclusion Conclusively, since this paper supposes that despotism causes economic development which in turn yields democracy, it becomes then logical to claim that the most suitable approach to democracy is a meandering one. In addition, commonsense shows that for democracy to be strong it is individual citizens to reinforce it through despotism rejection at all cost. Therefore, at least with modernity most long-lasted despotic regimes especially in the Eastern region o f Europe in the end collapses. Most of the nations established recently, many of which are languishing in absolute poverty even after being granted sovereignty, are still drowning in poverty with the few that resisted development still retaining dictatorship (Mayer, Patterson Thames, p. 301, para 1). Reference Mayer, L., Patterson, D., Thames, F. (2009). Contending Perspectives in  Comparative Politics. Washington, DC: CQ Press. This essay on Rapid Growth as a Destabilizing Force to Effective Democracy was written and submitted by user Alanna Ratliff to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Insomnia essays

Insomnia essays Ralph Roberts is an old man who lives in Derry, Maine (USA). He has a problem : he can't sleep. Every morning he keeps waking up earlier; 3:15...3:02...2:45, and he can't go back to sleep once he wakes up. Then he starts to have hallucina- tions, he can see auras. Since his wife died this problem started. Then he sees that his neighbour, and good friend, Ed Deepneau, has gone mental and that he beats the hell out of his wife Helen. Ed keeps telling Ralph that the Krimson King will destroy the baby-killers and that Ralph shouldn't One night Ralph was sitting in the dark, and suddenly he saw 2 bald doctors with scissors coming up to a neighbours'house and they have a golden aura. He saw the two men going inside and called the police. When the police arrived, it seemed his neighbour had a hart attack. Later he will understand that awesome and terrifying forces are at work. He meets the doctors together with Lois (the only other person besides him and Ed that can see the aura's and lift to a higher level of existence) and they become friends. The Doctors are simply the bringers of Death and that is why they carry scissors, to cut the aura's and so take life. they tell Ralph and Lois that the Universe has several levels with Short-Times (humans), Long-Times (higher beings) and beings that live forever. In the taking of human lives, everone has a destiny, Random Purpose or Higher Purpose. Ralph and Lois are Higher Purpose because they have a mission : to stop Ed and Atrophos (another Doctor who takes life from the Random by first taking an object from that person and then cutting their aura)and the Krimson King from killing a boy. The boy is the son of Susan Day. She is a Pro-abortion activist who is going to speak at a In the future her boy is going to rescue a very important ...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

SAGE analysis in six major issues in youth sports Essay

SAGE analysis in six major issues in youth sports - Essay Example It will mainly discuss how these issues are generated and why it becomes a conflict for society. (Smith, Smoll and Ptacek)These areas include; In spite of the above mentioned problems, the youth sports program is focused and determined to do a great deal of good for families and children in the area. The first thing they have done in order to counter this issues is the mare fact of acknowledging that this issues do exist and everybody in the youth sport fraternity has to confront these problems. (Houlihan)The other strategy is to understand the important role the youth sports play in the society, and identify and understand the powerful psychological pressure these sports exert on families, children, and the community. Sport is a freely or a voluntarily chosen activity, that is governed by rules activities that involve competition and physical challenging in a mutual challenge to achieve a goal or excellence. Participants are required to abide by the rules of the sport, and produce excellent results at the end. (Richard Thorpe)Some rules may be manipulated and changed to fit new conditions of the game, or due to introduction of better ways of officiating the sport so as to keep the game challenging, and in a way keep and promote fair play within the bounds of decency as far as the game is concerned. This whole idea of physical challenge and excellence in terms of results leads to a number of issues. Ethics issues are defined as conflicts of rights and responsibilities, conflicts of preferred consequences or conflicts of values. (Houlihan)In sports, they are known as sports ethics issues which mostly arise from sports related moral conflicts. Generally, ethics is the study of values theories and principles that are invoked so as to justify one’s choice over another. Ethical theories display categories of moral relativism and moral absolutism beliefs in explaining the world. (Catherine Marshall)Management may be defined as the operation and

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Essay about a movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

About a movie - Essay Example Her family expects her to marry a Greek man and raise children. His father is over-patronising, according to Toula, as he refuses to let her pursue further education in a computer academy. She manages to achieve it with the help of her mother and eventually takes up an office job and stops working at her family restaurant. Toulaa, played by Nia Vardolas, undergoes sea change in terms of her looks, grooming and fashion in the mean time. At the same time, she falls in love with a young Anglo-Saxon Protestant, Ian Miller, who is a school teacher, played by John Corbett. Toula’s patriarchal Greek family, especially her overbearing father, refuse to accept their relationship and Ian agrees to be baptised as a Greek Orthodox Christian, which earns the family’s approval. The families get introduced and the couple get married eventually. The movie is a portrayal of ethnic-identity, romance and interaction between cultures. For example, while almost everyone in Toula’s large extended family interferes in wedding planning, Ian is surprised at just the size of her family and the number of cousins she has. Especially when the two families come together and interact, the differences are more evident. For instance, Ian’s nuclear family is surprised to see that every single person from Toula’s extended family being present at the introduction and make it a big party. The movie was very interesting to watch and it was pleasant and funny. It was also insightful into inter-cultural marriages. The range of characters and their vastly different characteristics made the movie a great

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Why Britain reduced its Empire between 1939 and 1964 Essay Example for Free

Why Britain reduced its Empire between 1939 and 1964 Essay Assess the reasons why Britain reduced its Empire between 1939 and 1964 In 1945 the Second World War ended, the next thirty years were to see rapid disintegration of the European empires and the creation of many new independent states. In this essay I will attempt to explain for what reasons Great Britain decolonised, and the effects this decolonisation had for those countries decolonised. As a result of victory after WWI several former German territories in Africa and Asia were added to the British Empire. The British Empire was among the largest Empires the world had ever seen. It consisted of various territories conquered or colonised by Britain from about 1600. The British Empire was at its largest at the end of WWI, consisting of over 25% of the worlds population and area; including countries such as India, Malaya, Kenya, Ghana, Cyprus, Greece, New Zealand. World War I brought the British Empire to the peak of its expansion, but in the years that followed came its decline. Britain had growing economic problems and couldnt afford to continue governing its enormous Empire. There were threats of Civil War in countries such as India; the threat of the spread of Communism from China into Malaya and the increasing problem of racism and prejudice in Britains African colonies. The Empire faded gradually into the Commonwealth from the 1930s onwards as one by one former British colonies and protectorates gained independence but retained this last link with the Crown. It was incredibly important for Britain to retain its trade links with countries that were/had been part of its Empire. Britain needed to change the face of its Empire, one reason for such a change was due to the view of the U.S they were opposed to Empires and Britain did not want the Anglo-American relationships to even slightly grow apart. At the beginning of end of the Second World War Britain had the largest empire, which spanned the whole of the globe. But in the next thirty years this was dramatically reduced in size. The first country to seek independence from Britain at the end of the Second World War was India. India was seen as the Jewel in the crown of the British Empire and was of key significance to Britain. Even before WWI it was evident that the Indian desire for freedom would prove increasingly difficult for Britain to contain and control. Although British officials dominated the key posts in the civil service, barely one per-cent of the civil population was British. There were many disturbances and large unrest throughout India, the British government made some concession to the demand for a greater share by Indians in the local affairs. It was too late by now and this offer was no longer sufficient; the total withdrawal of British rule was now the aim of Nationalists. The Indian society was made up of varying and often conflicting races, castes and religions India had no single nationalist voice. Until some sort of unity could be achieved Indian aspirations would be frustrated, this frustration found outlet in increasing violence. This came to an end and then it was non-violence that now became the chief factor in the advance of Indian Nationalism. The move was called Civil Disobedience and was thought up by an Indian man named Gandhi. Gandhi was the single most important influence in the growth of Indian Nationalism. Gandhi was a devout Hindu although he sought mutual respect and tolerance between all religions and races. Gandhi became a type of figurehead and identified with all castes. For a time he was even able to gain Muslim support. Although fearing that independence gained on Gandhis terms would lead to the subjection of interests in favour of the Hindu majority, the Muslim Nationalists preferred separate to collective action. It became a question of not whether Britain should withdraw but when they would withdraw. The Japanese War effort by Britain interrupted the Indian problem. Many Indians, during the war effort, tried to overthrow British rule but the police and the army remained loyal and British control was unbroken. At the end of the Japanese War it was obvious to see that to keep control of India against the wish of her peoples would stretch Britains resources too far, Britain could no longer afford to do so and the will to do so had largely gone. The Muslim League, led by Jinnah, was increasingly suspicious of the Hindus, represented by the Congress Party and its leader Nehru, an upper class Anglophile. A sizeable Sikh minority was equally apprehensive of being swamped in an independent India. To such groups, federation within a single sovereign state was not acceptable. Partition seemed to be the only solution that would make the dominant religious groups happy. After much haggling and arguing the Hindu Congress and Muslim League agreed to the partition proposals: India, the sub continent, was to be divided into two distinct states; India, overwhelmingly Hindu; Pakistan and East Pakistan predominatly Muslim. The British method of partition was to set a date for British withdrawal 1947, and then work up until this date to achieve a peaceful partition. When the partition was created making India a Hindu state and Pakistan a Muslim state many people found themselves in the wrong area and there was a lot of mass movement of peop le between the two areas. To Britain the most valuable dependency of all was Malaya, which is an example of what the British were willing to do where the Empire remained worth while. In the latter half of the 19th century Malayas economy assumed many of the major aspects of its present character. The output of tin, which had been mined for centuries, increased greatly with the utilisation of modern methods. Rubber trees were introduced (Indian labourers were imported to work the rubber plantations), and Malaya became a leading rubber producer. In 1948 its net dollar earnings amounted to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½170 million and it provided over half the USAs imports of rubber and nearly all imports of tin. In the difficult days after WWII Malayas exports were vitally important in keeping the Sterling Area solvent. The Sterling Area was formed in 1939 to maintain the pound sterling as an international currency. It included the whole of the British Empire and Commonwealth, with few exceptions. This meant that Malaya had to buy goods from within the Sterling Area, meaning their money was tied up in the Empire. Malayas economic character, as well as its geographic position, gave it great strategic importance. The British built their fortifications accordingly at Singapore. The Malayans, anxious to regain their independence, had first to face an unexpected challenge from Communist Guerrillas, mainly Chinese, who were anxious to acquire control of the many raw materials in Malaya. The Chinese were a minority in Malaya and not popular. The Malayans didnt want to fall under the control of their great neighbour, Communist China. They were willing to accept the assistance of British forces and the Guerrillas, after about five years were expelled. After the defeat of the communists Malaya moved quietly to independence. The Malayans united behind Rahman. Rahman was the kind of courteous conservative with whom the British had always felt able to do business. The federation of Malaya became an independent state within the Commonwealth on 31st August 1957. Britain controlled many countries in Africa including the following; Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, Uganda and Kenya. Kenya was one of the most important of the African countries. Strategically the Naval Base at Mombasa Port near to the Suez Canal was priceless. If the port fell into the hands of the Communists it would prove devastating. Climatically it was suitable for European settlement and the British saw it as a New Australia. British settlers went out in small numbers before and after WWI and in rather large numbers after WWII. Those that moved out there successfully introduced plantation farming of crops such as coffee and tea, the land was very rich. The British settlers believed that the country belonged to them and expected to evolve a government like that of Canada or Australia. Due to the large European population Britain didnt want to upset them, it was said that there would be an all white Kenyan Government. Despite this, the settlers received a major set back when they were told; Primarily Kenya is an African territorythe interests of the African natives must be paramount by the Duke of Devonshire, Colonial Secretary. Other than the European community there was another outside community within Kenya, an Asian community. The Asians were prosperous and sometimes became money lenders. They were hated by the Africans. Britain saw themselves and America as being superior to the Asian world and then again that the Asian world was superior to the Africans. The British did not think that the Africans were intelligent enough to be able to run their own country, this was seen as being a very racist and prejudiced viewpoint and there was a loss of confidence. The Kikuyu were farmers in the region where the capital of Nairobi had been established. They were more disturbed in the possession of their land than other tribes and they also came into contact with European ideas and European education. Jomo Kenyatta, later the leader of the Kikuyu, was first educated at a Presbyterian mission school. The first African organisation, the Kikuyu Association was formed in 1920 but was a very moderate body made up of the elders and the chiefs. In 1921 the Young Kikuyu Association was founded by the younger men, educated like Kenyatta himself in the mission schools, and was much more radical in temper. Kenyatta was abroad from 1929 to 1946. When he returned he found that the Kikuyu Central Association had been condemned as trying to undermine the Government during the war and that very little constitutional progress had been made. Only in 1952 were Africans elected to the Council and then by a complicated indirect system. The early 1950s saw the terrorist outbreaks known as the Mau Mau. With their fearsome oaths and occasional atrocities, they spread terror among the European community, although in fact most of the atrocities were against other Africans. It was unknown whether Kenyatta had any connection with the Mau Mau, he was arrested and banished to a northern part of the colony. The white colonists could not conquer the Mau Mau on their own and had to ask for troop reinforcements from Britain. This need for outside assistance ended any remaining thoughts that settlers might have had that they would be capable of running an independent state. During the Mau Mau troubles a new constitution was introduced into Kenya called the Lyttleton constitution. This was an extremely complicated system designed to allow the Africans to gain some ministerial experience. Many of the more die hard Europeans didnt like this at all. A new European Party was set up, the United Country Party, to work for a society which would be multi-racial yet would safeguard both the political and land rights of the Europeans. This was doomed, the tide was now firmly in favour of making Kenya an independent African country, although there were seats reserved in the Legislative Council for minority groups, including Europeans. There were now two main African parties, the K.A.N.U which drew its strength from the Kikuyu and Luo tribes and favoured a centralised system of government, and the K.A.D.U, supported by the Masai and a number of smaller tribes who wanted a more federal system of government. K.A.N.U, led by Kenyatta, won the 1963 election, the last before Kenya got independence on the 12th of December 1963. Economically Britain could not possibly to afford to maintain an Empire. It could not afford to defend its countries from outside attacking forces, let alone from enemies within. The threats of civil war, in terms of India, was a very dangerous one, it would have been impossible for Britain to control the entire population of India with its army. Britain without a doubt relied heavily on the trade links within its Empire, it couldnt afford to lose these links but it could not afford to keep them at the way things were going. By creating the Common-Wealth it made it possible for Britain to hand over Independence to countries, making them happy, as well as keeping them within a trading circle. Most of the countries in the Empire wanted Independence, Britain wanted the trade to remain, it was the best solution.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Louis Riel Essays -- essays research papers

Patriote or Traitor? Louis Riel was born in 1844. He was captured and executed by Canadian authorities in November 16, 1885. He was a leader who gave up his life and time to fight for the right of the Metis, Indians and the western settlers. He was an well-educated young man fluent in both French and English. He was also selected as the Metis’s spokesman to negotiate with the Canadian government. During the 1869-70, he led the rebel when Canada purchases Manitoba from the Hudson’s bay company. Also, he organized and led a similar rebellion in 1885. Above all, is he a patriote or a traitor? It was inappropriate to accuse Riel as a traitor. He tried to defend the traditional rights of Metis and made sure they treated as equally as the British subjects. Riel was a patriote, who passionately love, supported and defended his people. He was also a serious and thoughtful person who dedicated his life to help others. Metis, Native Indians and western setters were all very proud of and respected thi s leader because of his life long effort. He was a person who was willing to step up and told the government what they needed. Riel never wanted any violent, in fact, he wanted to use peaceful methods to achieve the changes they desired. Moreover, he had no intention to declare independence nor to take over Canada. Unfortunately, Canadian government did not realize the difficult situation of the Metis. They kept ignoring and disregarding their demand. Consequently, these people were forc...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Personal Fictional Writing Essay

Imagine you are Ralph on the island; write a series of at least three diary entries, which record important episodes during your stay there. Include in the entries your changing thoughts and feelings about what occurs and about yourself and the other boys with you. Diary Entry 1: Chapter 5: Beast from water I just do not understand. It is not meant to be like this. I mean, everything requires improvisation. I call a meeting and all of them, Jack’s group of boys, think that they are there to make jokes. There is no time for fun, but business. I tell them about the huts and how they are unstable, but they remain pessimistic as if they have something better to do. What can that something be? Hunting. Well, Jack seems to think so. He said that he would hunt down the beast. Really, we do not even know if the beastie truly exists. Jack is so aggressive, marching on an army of anarchy among the boys to hunt down an imaginary beast. Mass hysteria erupted when one of the diffident littluns, Percival was his name, said that the beast came from the sea, like a giant squid. I really do not know what has gone into their poor, innocent souls, torturing them like that. The fear of the boys is mounting, day after day. Well, perhaps there could be a beastie. I know that even I am not immune to fear. Nevertheless, Piggy says there is no beast, so there isn’t. Piggy knows. I mean, he is intelligent unlike me. He can think and make decisions without being unsuccessful with his natural, intellectual ability. He would be so much better at being chief than I am. It is just inequitable that Jack bullies him. But what can I do? Do I really want Jack on my back too? It’s enough I cannot stand having him within a one-metre radius of me. Moreover, Jack’s focus on hunting will prevent all of us on this island from leaving it and seal our fate as no more than animals. I just cannot help realising this. However, Jack and his hunters do not. It is simple to them: fear ferments and spreads in the group, so they result to violence and hunting as a solution to the obstacle. They do not care about where they use the lavatory, about keeping the fire going, or most importantly, getting rescued. Even the rules they do not care about. I am very frustrated. I just cannot stand this any more. Without my rules, there will be disastrous consequences to everything Jack and his hunters do. My rules keep the boys tethered to some semblance of society, but they seem oblivious to it and are willing to drop the rules like a hot pan. Life on this island just seems to get harder by every passing day. With Simon wandering off at night, no wonder the littluns are frightened. However, I should not let that bother me. On this island, there are by far more important things to do, like being rescued. How much boys on this island do believe in ghosts? What are the children on this island? Humans, animals, or savages? Piggy was head-on right by yelling at them. Surely, there are not any ghosts or beastie’s on this island, because Piggy told me so. He tells me everything, and everything he says is true. It has to be true. I feel as if I should step down as chief, for once and for all, but Piggy’s already warned me that if I do, Jack will become leader and the only thing he will lead us to do is hunt. But being rescued is better than hunting and I, for that matter, want to be rescued and back to my old life: with my mother and father. It is dreadful here. I try to shut my eyes of the surroundings that envelope me, and force the image of my life before this tragedy. Nothing. There is nothing to see. This life is like a virus, invading and sweeping the happy memories of my life before until there is nothing. I thought life here would be different, better somehow, but it seems that I got the contrary. Now, everything on this island makes me feel depressed. Even my own physical appearance, especially my hair; it has grown shabby and uncomfortably long. I have all grown shabby with neglect. With all the oppressive responsibility weighing down on my shoulders, I wish that the ground now would open up and swallow me down into its depth, to close me off the problems on this island, which I face. Diary Entry 2: Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees This is it. A change from this place will do us all a whole lot of good. I have become so dirty and unclean over the past few months, that the conditions that I take myself for now is normal. The rest of the boys seem to take these conditions as normal too. The longing that I have for a deep, hot bath to purify my body and wrap me up in its enclosing warmth is unbearable. Every thing seemed to have been going well, but every step I take on this island to please Jack, just defines the how hard it will be, when you try to break the boys away from Jack’s spell-binding habit: Hunting. Not that I am complaining. I followed the hunters today and the view that is to be seen on the opposite side of the island is utterly different to the view that is observed from the side of which we have settled in. However, although there are spectacular sceneries that can be viewed from this island, there is no place like home. The ocean is like a thick wall, an impermeable barrier, preventing my and the other boys escape. Simon seems to think that we will leave the island eventually. But I doubt that will ever happen. Simon is so batty. Now, with Jack thinking himself chief, everything is impossible. But I have to say, I did enjoy myself at the hunt. It was breathtaking. Originally, we were meant to be hunting down the beast, but Jack suggested that we could also hunt a pig in addition to continuing our search for the beast. It was smashing! I was excited so much that I was caught up in the adventure; I threw my spear at the boar, and hit it. But I suppose it was not much of a hit; it only nicked his snout. That was the first time I took aim and I cannot believe my luck. It has to be good marksmanship. I felt so exhilarated during the hunt, as the primal appeal of killing pigs dawned upon me. At least I have something to be proud of, other than some cut by a boar’s tusks. Jack thought that it was necessary to point the wound on his left arm out to the crowd of boys. I cannot understand Jack. He has such an eccentric personality; predictable though, he would not actually change much from his self-centred self. I hit the boar but he still pays the same attention as if I were thin air. The boys are impervious too, when they are around Jack that is. It is like he has the glamour that allows the other boys to be absorbed in him. No matter how much attention you persist or demand to acquire, the power that is bound inside Jack will not give in. I tried to show the boys that I was a good aimer, even though it was my first time hunting, but it was useless, like I said. Jack and the boys were truculent when they closed on towards Robert. They started chanting, â€Å"Kill the Pig† and I guess they were caught up in their momentum of chanting, that they actually started jabbing Robert with their spears, at first in jest, then with a more dangerous intent. He was yelping so much that I though my ears would give out. Instantly, all the excitement that I had in me from the hunt vanished. I was so glad that Robert escaped their grasp. I did join them with this too. I didn’t know what was happening to me. The urge to kill was too overpowering. For all I know, we would have killed him. Jack was so self-absorbed, taking himself seriously, that he said that they could use a littlun next time to dress up as a pig, so that they can actually kill it. That was such a sick idea. They are taking a life away. The matter of life is not a game. However, the boys enamoured by Jack’s statement began to laugh. This was not funny. They had to be reminded that this is only a game. I am starting to get concerned about the increasingly violent and impulsive behaviour of the hunters. Killing the littluns is trivial compared to what these hunters are capable of. We started climbing the mountain, as evening fell, and I realized that we would not be able to get back to the beach until morning. I did not want to leave Piggy with the littluns all night. I thought it was too much responsibility for one to handle, but I suppose Piggy would not mind; he will work things out easily. But Jack did not address this concern for Piggy kindly; he mocked me about it. What good chief would he make if he does not treat the boys with respect? But luckily Simon offered to go and inform Piggy of our whereabouts. Jack was still on his frenzy of hunting a pig, in the dark. Surely he could see that it was not a suitable time to hunt, but he is so impulsive that even he will not be blinded by the darkness that encloses the island. I thought that if we hunt in the morning it would be more apposite. He does not even think twice when I speak to him. I am chief, he should listen to me as any other boy on the island does. Giving the new understanding that Piggy provided me with, and sensing the hostility from Jack, I knew that he loathed me. I asked him why but he had no answer. What would he answer if he had one anyway? I never showed him any hatred but if he wants me to play his game, I will play. He was so pressing to climb up the mountain, even though most of the hunters were ‘tired’ and, of course, afraid. It was unveiled in their eyes. At that moment I thought of going back myself too, but what Jack said obliged me to remain. He said that I was afraid. I am not afraid more than he is and he knows that, but he just doesn’t want to admit it. I was surprised that my voice actually balanced itself proportionally, so that none of my reluctance or weakness showed. I was almost motivated by it. Just moments before this, Jack was accusing me of being afraid and now he was. He claimed that he saw something bulge on the mountain. Of course, due to my newfound bravery, I agreed to search for it immediately. But while I had a mask of bravery composed on my outside, inside I was not sure of what to do. Not sure about whether I should take a step forward or backward. What to do if the beast attacks me. It was so frustrating that it felt like the anxiety was scratching my brain away bit by bit. It seemed at the top of the mountain that I was paralysed. But I realised, eventually, what I was doing this for. To show Jack that I am not scared like he claims. So I fused my hatred for him, with my will and took two steps forward. That is when I saw it. My legs gave out under me, like an involuntary reflex reaction, but a button inside triggered me to get upon my feet as quick as I can and escape. It seemed like hours had passed in those few seconds for me to get over the shock of what I had just observed. It was like a huge rock thing and it bowed, and when the wind blew, it lifted its head to reveal a ruined face. It was unapproachable. Terrifying. I realised that the horror witnessed by the littluns in words, is inconsequential, in comparison to when you view the beast yourself. I am glad it is over for now, but I have a deep feeling that this thing, beastie, will not take long to return its visit. We must get prepared. Diary Entry 3: Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness No one believes me. Even piggy. He was sceptical of the whole idea of me witnessing a beast on the top of the mountain. What angered me more is Jack’s assurance to the group of boys that the hunters can defeat the beast. But are his hunters any good when faced with a beast that even the bravery of me, Roger and Jack could not defeat? His hunters are merely boys with sticks. I was right to point this out to him; he cannot be so ignorant of the beastie. Piggy said that I should not have called his boys that, but honestly, what choice did I have! And he never left it there either. Oh no. He called me a coward and accused me of calling the rest of his hunters cowards too. What right does he have to call me that? He even said that I am not a proper chief. As if he would be better than me as chief. All he cares about is hunting, hunting, hunting, and nothing else. If this is how he wants to live his life, then I doubt he will ever have a life, since he will be spending the rest of it on this doomed island. Adding more to this, the punch from the whole of this meeting came when he put my position of being chief in a vote, between him, and me to the boys. It is so hurtful when I think about it; I cannot believe that he holds such a grudge against me, that much to challenge my position of being chief. I have not did anything wrong to him. But, I guess I should not be so surprised. It’s so Jack. Whenever he comes across something that he cannot stand, he feels compelled to sweep it out of his way. In this case, it is me. Oddly, I do feel sad and uneasy due to him leaving. I, certainly, was not expecting him to leave so quickly. Especially crying. The thought of him crying has never crossed my mind at all, even though I have been living with him for several months. It is not like him. He was always that kind of person like a rock, with his weaker feelings and emotions imperceptible, no one would have thought that he would be exposed so easily like that. Relieved that he left, Piggy and Simon seemed untouched, as if a burden has been lifted away from their shoulders. I guess they are calm now, since all Jack would do is pick on them, as they are the weaker vessels of the boys. Piggy tried to make me realise that there are potential benefits from Jack leaving, but I have this strong feeling inside me, telling me that something ominous is about to happen, resulting from this predicament. I just cannot put my finger on what is going to happen. He said that now we can start focusing on the fire more. Now that the fire has been built on the beach it may be difficult to see from far away, but at least somebody will keep it going. At least there is a trace of hope of being rescued. However, I really doubt that most of us will actually be rescued, as just after the building of the fire was done on the beach, I noticed several of the biguns missing. I did not know what to do. I felt as though Jack had taken part of me as an equipment to equip himself for evil and savagery on this island. The more I come to think about it, the clearer it becomes to me that Jack is the disruptive element and the root of destruction on this island. My authority is slipping away faster than I could imagine. Just a few months ago, I had it all, but now there is nothing left. I cannot understand the appeal of hunting if you do not attempt to be rescued at the same time. There is a battlefield of emotions warring in me. I tried to show the boys’ that I am a good chief, that I will get them rescued, but they were all oblivious to me and so left for Jack. It hurt so much that even speaking was like climbing a cliff for me. I suppose now everything is too late; everything is set in motion, I cannot do anything to change it. Maybe it would be better. We could be happier. Piggy says so. Piggy is so confident that everything will turn out to be okay, it almost scares me. We still have Samneric to help us keep the fire going, some littluns and I suppose Simon. Although Piggy and I never knew where he was, we thought that he might be climbing up the mountain. He would still stay unfazed by anything. He has cracked. With Simon, he is that kind of person that his feelings are buried deep inside him and you would have to dig a lot before reaching them. I am surprised that I never thought of Simon, in a way like this, before. You just have to listen to him to get to know him, but of course, Jack never listens to anybody or anything, so what would he know? At this point, I really don’t care who I have got in my group as long as they are with me; I need all the support I can get. I was startled by the sudden uproar in the forest. Jack, wearing just dazzle paint and a belt, was even more startling. He told us that he and his group were living across the beach, by a flat rock, where they have fun. It was kind of him to invite us to join his tribe, but I know that if I were to join his tribe, there would be no going back and certainly no hope of rescue. I thought he was about to take the conch at first, when I saw him. I mean the conch to me is still a symbol of ritual and order, and without order on this island, there would be nothing. I still do not know why that thought passed through my head at that moment. But I saw that some of his hunters did take some branches of fire. Perhaps they took it to keep warm, or even cook their latest hunting victim on. But even by how much I would like to go to eat the meat and have fun, keeping the fire going was and is still the most important task at hand. It is going to be hard to keep the fire going, and the amount of wood that we need is even harder to get. I suppose Samneric could take two shifts. But Bill appeared sceptical to the whole idea that we will be capable of keeping the fire going. He suggested that we go to Jack and his hunters feast and tell them that the fire is hard among us. Moreover, the fact that there was meat there, hot and satisfying, was enough to make us sprint to cross our enemy’s border. Even Piggy could not resist. He was ravenous. I saw it in his eyes. Every face that my gaze landed upon was burning with the overwhelming hunger for meat. No one would ever let a chance like this pass by and we weren’t going to either. The thought of food and meat was too appealing, so we gave in to our desire.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Comparison of the Jungle and Fast Food Nation - 1436 Words

The Power of Money and Greed in Society The Jungle by Upton Sinclair was published almost century ago and it showed the Americans the problems that existed in the early nineteenth century, the industrialization timeline. Sinclair’s target was the workers who were mistreated in various workplaces, such as the meat packing companies in Chicago, so that they may be treated fairly. Sinclair wanted a future society where common people (those mostly that worked at the workplaces) to form a group and rule with their own rules which would be just in their eyes, much like a union. However, after the book was published, the readers were more traumatized by the fact of what the people were consuming in their food than the social problems. Sinclair†¦show more content†¦Even now major retailers, such as fast food industry, also want to pay the minimum that the state requires. â€Å"Consequently, a low minimum wage has long been a crucial part of the fast food industry’s bu siness plan.† (pg73) In Fast Food Nation they even go have a system in put. They make sure most workers work forty hours a week and no more for after forty hours they have to pay overtime. They even go further making sure the employees work during busy hours and during slow hours they’re either let go to go home. â€Å"Managers try to make sure that each wrker is employed less than forty hours a week, thereby avoiding any overtime payments†¦the chains keep their labor costs to a bare minimum.†(pg74) Both the past and the modern industries found the value in production of speed, which comes with quantity, and time that is not wasted as they saw time as money. The quicker the product in produced the quantity and profit they see in making. The Jungle shows where the meat packing industries speeded up their meat cutters so that they may get the most out of it. â€Å"In piece-work they would reduce the time, requiring the same work in a shorter time, andShow MoreRelatedSinclair s The Jungle And Schlosser s Fast Food Nation1459 Words   |  6 Pagesthe meat industry in the United States, the works of Upton Sinclair and Eric Schlosser contain eerily similar accounts in attempt to expose the dangers behind our food. These shocking revelations exposed by Sinclair and Schlosser have forever changed the way our nation views its food. 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